Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Literary Challenges in 2016

I have read on a lot of people's blogs that they wish to drop challenges in 2016 and rely more on quality rather than quantity when it comes to their chosen books. I think that should apply to anything in life, whether it is food, clothes or time spent at the gym. :) 

However, in the last few years, when I joined a few (or more than a few) reading challenges, I did not see myself as choosing quantity over quality. In fact, the challenges made me focus more on reading while also managing to discover great books and fantastic writers, no matter if I had the time to write about them or not. With this in mind, I realized that there are more and more Romanian writers on my reading list(s) because they write fantastically and I love their style, and also, there is no such challenge on the internet - or one that I could find after attentively looking for - so here I am, starting a brand new reading challenge, one that is extremely simple: 


What exactly do you have to do for this challenge? 

It starts on the 1st of March 2016 and it ends on the 1st of December 2016, when we, Romanians celebrate our National Day. 

So, you have 9 months to read at least one book by a Romanian writer, whether in the original or in translation. 

If you decide to also write a review on your blog or send the review (because you do not have one), you will be entered in a draw on the 1st of December to win a special prize

So, without further ado, please join the following list:


Alle Deac said...

I'm iiiiiin! Hihi :)

Ally said...

Welcome to my challenge, Alle! Make sure you write about it on your blog as well, so more people can join in! :)

Alle Deac said...

I wiiiiiiiiiiiill :*

Bellezza said...

I'd love to do this! I'm off to search Romanian authors, but I would lost appreciate hearing any suggestions from you. This is a great idea for a whole new kind of author for me.

Happy New Year!

Bellezza said...

p.s. The button is wonderful! I'll add it to my blog as soon as I'm not teaching. Oops!

Ally said...

Bellezza, I am so happy you decided to join us :)

Bellezza said...

and, thank you for your suggestions! I have the Herta Muller, but I'm eager to try the other one who resembles Haruki Murakami. Even though I know he'll stand on his own special traits.

Ally said...

You will be dazzled by Cartarescu, I recommend Nostalgia, or Why we love women, but the second one is 'lighter' and not exactly in his literary vein :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ally! I came to invite you to my friendly groups because they match some of your content. I don't have anything Romanian but like you, provide a group that is better or different than what we've been seeing. Congratulations! I agree: it is groups that might be of low quality such as having no prize, communication with the hostess, a rewarding conclusion. Belonging to them doesn't equal low quality. A challenge certainly does augment the quality of our reading, if it is widely inclusive, rather than picky; thus excluding what we would like to read. I am Carolyn. :)

Ally said...

Thank you for paying me a visit, Carolyn! Challenges can be important if you want to stay on track but also discover new authors/books!

Delia (Postcards from Asia) said...

I came here from Belleza's blog. It so happens that I just finished Cartarescu's "Why We Love Women" and really liked it. Just in time to write about it for this challenge. :)
Thanks for hosting this. The button is wonderful. I can't wait to try it on my blog.

Lauren said...

Lovely Challenge. I can't wait to get started! ~ L

Ally said...

Thank you for joining us, Delia! What a fantastic choice Cartarescu is!

Ally said...

Welcome, Lauren! What book do you have in mind for the challenge?

Marina Sofia said...

Do you have any Romanian connections, Ally, or it's just your love of literature? Because I am Romanian but living abroad and have been feeling a little guilty lately for not keeping up with all that is being written there. I am starting off with 'Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent' written by Mircea Eliade. I grew up with this book, a sort of Catcher in the Rye for Eastern Europe and the 1930s, and it's now been translated into English.
I also have some Cartarescu and others on my shelves, so will read more than one.

Ally said...

Marina, I am Romanian and I have a deeper and deeper love for Romanian contemporary literature. I have read Eliade and I definitely recommend Cartarescu! Looking forward to your reviews!

Ally said...

Please everybody sign in the wiki within this post so I can keep track who is joining us in the challenge, thank you!

Diana said...

Hi, I'm here because of a coincidence. *3*
I'm Romanian too, so I would like to sign up for this beautiful challenge. But I'm living in Spain, and I have a blog in Spanish. So I would write the possible reviews in this language, if it doesn't matter, of course. :3

Thank you,

Delia (Postcards from Asia) said...

I will sign in as soon as I write my post about this challenge. In the meantime I'm adding your site to my blogroll.

Ally said...

Thank you, Delia!

Elena Druță said...

This challenge seems interesting and I just submitted my book. I hope it's not a problem that the review is not in english.
Wish you a good day!

Ally said...

Than you, Elena! I will check it out!