Saturday, August 29, 2009

M is for MIRACLE

We still have no clue how to appreciate an artist when he/she is performing. We have no idea what common sense and tolerance mean. We don't even have to get stupid... we are already there and I am ashamed we will never change. For the better.
UPDATE: This is us, seen by the international press.


Mihai said...

Suntem vai s-amar, Alina, vai s-amar!

Fain filmat clipul gasit la Antene.

Iar M-ul mare ce strajuia scena era de la "Mihai" :P

Ally said...

Stiam ca e multa prostie pe la noi, dar cu ocazia asta am si vazut cata... la urmatorul turneu mergem fie in Amsterdam, fie in tarile nordice... deci strange bani!