Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Me, Myself and Jeanette

“I seem to have run in a great circle, and met myself again on the starting line.” This may seem incredible - and it actually is - but tomorrow I will be (hopefully live) on the BBC radio , asking Jeanette Winterson questions about her first novel, published in 1985, "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit". How out of this world that is? :) Am I over the moon? Yes. Am I worried I will be too nervous and make a fool of myself? Oh, yes. Is this a dream come true? Definitely. I will update the post after the interview to keep you posted about how my fascination with JW has reached new heights :)

 UPDATE: No live chat due to my work schedule, but my question has been answered. What question and what answer? You'll have to wait till the 2nd of June, when the podcast will be available :)  
UPDATE 2: Here's the podcast!


  1. This is absolutely amazing! Trust me, I'd be nervous as hell too if I were to talk to one of my favorite authors, but don't you worry, you'll do fine! And of course we want to hear everything after the interview's over!!

  2. I am terribly nervous, although I may not be able to talk to her live, since when they record it, I will be at school :( We'll see how it goes...

  3. How absolutely exciting!!! How on Earth did you get to do that? Yes, you must tell us all about it. Pity it can't be live, but so what? WOW!

  4. Well, I guess there is a toll that has to be paid when you work way too much, damn it! The post has been updated.
    As for the BBC, this is the second time I have been able to ask my favorite writers questions, the first time happened years ago, when I called in to ask Paulo Coelho two questions... I guess that I am the right person at the right time, well, not the perfect time this time round, but close enough... and it's crazy, because two weeks ago Jeanette signed her latest book for me, in Paris. It would have been great to talk to her as well, but I think that might have looked like stalking :))

  5. I know how much you like (not the right word at all! I need something far more indicative of your affection) Jeanette! How exciting that you were able to ask a question, whatever it was, and receive the answer! I remember when I felt that way about Madeleine L'Engle, and actually was able to talk with her, before she died.

  6. I can't wait to hear its answer, Bellezza!
    Thank you for passing by, I know you are quite busy these days :)
