Friday, April 20, 2012

World Book Night

The 23rd of April is not just Shakespeare's day or birth (and death), it is also this year's World Book Night. There are huge campaigns to promote reading in the US and UK. To check their list of books to be given away click here or here. To let friends know that they should get down to some serious reading these days, send them a text or an email :) Enjoy your reading! I will surely enjoy mine, reading Susan Hill's "The Woman in Black".


  1. I don't know The Woman in Black but will keep it in mind. Happy World Book Night! Happy Birthday Shakespeare! Have a good week, Ally.

  2. I heard about it last year, when I was reading about a different book. Then, I saw that it was being adapted for the screen, and since I am a huge fan of reading the book then watching the movie, I had to read it quickly :)
    Have a lovely week you too, Bellezza! :)

  3. thanks for letting me know! I'm gonna take time to check all your challenges now, I'm also mad about reading (and other) challenges. :D

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Masa! We do paint the Easter eggs the same way :)
