Saturday, November 5, 2011

To analyze or not to analyze?

I decided to take part in the Literary Blog Hop, mainly because I find the questions to be answered every month quite clever and sometimes even challenging. This blog hop is hosted by The Blue Bookcase and this month's question is: to what extent do you analyze literature? Are you more analytical in your reading if you know you're going to review the book? Is analysis useful in helping you understand and appreciate literature, or does it detract from your readerly experience?

The days of thoroughly analyzing literature are long gone. Back in college, when I had to analyze everything I was reading I really enjoyed writing long papers on different literary works, especially when I would discover great books and fascinating writers that became my favorite ones(Winterson, McEwan, Tim Parks). Now, in my adult life, I am too pressed for time to think about certain literary aspects in depth, so I just read for pleasure or stop reading the book if it doesn't appeal to me. Lacking time to write "serious" reviews has made me go for a less demanding task, The Six Word Sum Up. Yet, the literary brain finds itself thinking while reading whether certain words are or might be the key ones in this sum up! :)
As for better understanding literature when analyzing it, I do agree that one could grasp a different or a deeper meaning when reading pen in hand and notebook aside, but sometimes the more you analyze, the more tired of that work you may become.


  1. I love reading with a pencil in my hand, underlining what I like and adding my very personal comments here and there. I don't feel guilty. I really feel part of the process, actively making the story ... happen and contibuting my part to the author's work :-)

  2. I used to do that to books as well! I even photocopied some in order not to ruin them with my underlining :)
    Thanks for passing by!

  3. I always think by posts would be more in depth if I used pen and notepad, but I am too lazy to interrupt my reading. I am sure by the time I write about a book I have forgotten half of what went through my mind while reading. Oh well, like you said, time is precious!

  4. Being lazy while reading... now, that's totally allowed! :)
