Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Authors Challenge 2012

It seems I quite enjoy challenges, especially when that means (re)discovering new authors, as it happened with The Japanese Literature Challenge. For next year, besides the challenge I will be hosting together with Bellezza, and which will be announced very soon, I will be taking part in the New Authors Challenge, hosted by Literary Escapism and Seduced by the Book that will take place from January to December 2012 and my goal is to discover 10 new authors. Let's see if that will happen!
Do you plan on discovering new authors next year?


  1. Sounds interesting! I can't wait to find out what your challenge will be.
    Actually, yes, I am planning to discover a new author next year and will post about my project soon (the author is new to me, but most people will have read what I am planning to read)...:)

  2. Rikki, then I am sure you'll also join in :)
    Are you referring to Jeanette Winterson? I hope you are :))

  3. Discovering new authors is good fun. There's one drawback: if it's a debut author, you'll have to wait a while for their next book.

    I'll be reading Dutch debuts that are on a long/shortlist for a literary prize. I did this last year and this year, and probably will do it again next year.

  4. I rarely read Romanian literature, my tendency is to read the authors whose work I have already enjoyed, but sometimes it pays to discover new writers, especially when you het the books as presents :)
