Here's a part of the list Coelho made about absurd things that society thinks are "normal"... Do you agree?
1] Anything that makes us forget our true identity and our dreams and makes us only work to produce and reproduce.
2] Working from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon at something that does not give us the least pleasure, so that we can retire after 30 years.
3] Trying to be financially successful instead of seeking happiness.
4] Comparing objects like cars, houses and clothes, and defining life according to these comparisons instead of really trying to find out the true reason for being alive.
5] Thinking that parents are always right.
6] Criticizing everybody who tries to be different.
7] Believing absolutely everything that is printed.
8] Following fashion, even though it all looks ridiculous and uncomfortable.
9] Never laughing out loud in a restaurant, no matter how funny the story is.
10] Eating three times a day, even if you’re not hungry.
11] Always saying “I tried”, even though you haven’t tried at all.
12] Putting off doing the most interesting things in life until you no longer have the strength to do them.
13] Avoiding depression with massive daily doses of television programs.