Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year, Old (but Great) Challenges

Almost a year has passed since our last encounter. All I can say is that a break, be it short or long, can help you realise what is important in one's life. Reading books and talking about them - from time to time - is something I'm set not to give up. 
And, what better way to begin the new year than by tackling Dolce Bellezza's Japanese Literature Challenge? It's her 12th year hosting it and I am sure I've joined about six or seven of them... This year, though, the challenge only lasts for three months, from January to March, so I have decided to read three books by Japanese writers, one of which is Haruki Murakami's latest. 
If you are interested in reading Japanese literature, then now is the right time to start!



  1. I loved Killing Commendatore, and I would love the opportunity to discuss it with you as I am not sure I understand everything completely. (When do I ever with Murakami, but still I love his writing. DId you know he is turning 70 this year?) I was fascinated with both Penance and Confessions which I read last year; I think you will like Confessions, too. It is interesting (and a bit upsetting) from a teacher’s perspective. I’m so glad that you are reading along again! I have missed you. Xo

  2. I'm planning to read the latest novel by Huruki Murakami also, looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

  3. @Bellezza I am looking forward to reading it, yes, his birthday is on the 12th of January :) I finished Confessions in 2 days, what a disturbing book that was... I will post my thoughts on it these days. Glad you did not give up hosting the challenge! :)

  4. @Mel u thank you for stopping by! looking forward to your insight as well! :)

  5. I could not write about Killing Commendatore because I don’t fully understand it...the Idea coming to life and being killed? But, I did love it. I never profess to understand Murakami’s work, but I always love it. I am eager to read what you think of it.

  6. @Bellezza I began reading it last night, it is quite catchy :)
