Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Vive le Pain Perdu!

Every July it's time for some simple, yet tasty recipe to try. Here's my favorite from Rachel Khoo's book, "The Little Paris Kitchen".

Pain Perdu avec Compote de Cerises et Basilic (French Toast with Cherry and Basil Compote) 

"Pain Perdu" means "lost bread" and you can top it with compote or eat it just as it comes. You need 1 egg, a tablespoon of sugar, 250 ml of milk, 4 slices of bread and a tablespoon of butter. For the compote you need 450 frozen pitted cherries, 150 g of icing sugar and a bunch of basil, but you could use any compote you like.

To make the compote, place all the ingredients in a pot and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally during this time to help dissolve the icing sugar.

To make "the pain perdu" whisk the egg, milk and sugar together in a dish. Place the bread in the egg mixture and soak for a minute on each side. Heat the butter in a large frying pan on a medium heat. Add the bread and cook for 2-3 minutes or until golden, then flip the slices over and cook the other side. Serve the "pain perdu" straight from the pan, with the compote spooned over and around.

Rachel has her own show on BBC Two. Click here for more info on her cooking preferences. 


  1. Think I'll try this one - love the idea of basil and cherry - I just need a gluten free 'Pain'... Love a foody post for Paris in July - love that it's a simple recipe also. Thanks Aly for this Paris in July piece.

  2. It sounds lovely. How did you like it?

  3. It is quite easy to make, which I like when I try out a new recipe, Tamara!
    Louise, it was so yummy we wanted more, so next time we will make a double batch :)

  4. Love the sound of cherries and basil I also think I need to try this one.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this! I watch Little French Kitchen on USA's The Cooking Channel. A fun discovery. I'll definitely have to try this one. Sounds delicious. I love all the things she cooks but haven't seen her cookbook around here. I love online shopping! Thanks for featuring this! Don't you love all the new things you learn and the eye candy you see during Paris In July?

  6. Thank you for passing by, Arabella, you should definitely try this one :)

  7. Jeanie, I only discovered her show after having found the book, it is quite interesting and there are many easy recipes I would like to try this year... Paris in July is such a treat for all of us :)
