Friday, July 3, 2015

Madame Bovary

What an excellent adaptation this was! I am thrilled directors still choose to return to classics and create beautiful pieces of art. I few years ago I saw "Madame Bovary" starring Isabelle Huppert (which appeared in 1991) and I really enjoyed watching it, but then, Huppert is one of my favorite actresses. This time, I think Mia Wasikowska is among my favorite young actresses. I was impressed with her acting in "Alice in Wonderland", "Jane Eyre" and "Stoker" and she did not let me down playing the part of Madame Bovary.

We all know Emma's story. She marries a country doctor and starts feeling bored in the small village where he practices medicine. She also begins to see him in a different light, until she cannot stand him any longer. If at first she can say "no" to a younger man who shows affection towards her, she then longs for a different life, with more money to spend on clothes and trifles next to a man who can have time for her. Her wish does come true, but Gustave Flaubert's novel is not a fairy tale...

Reasons to watch "Madame Bovary" (2014): Mia, the story, the scenery, the inner struggles.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing about Madame Bovary. This version has been on my list for all the reasons you recommended it. And thanks for joining in Paris in July!

    Jeanie from The Marmelade Gypsy!

  2. I am glad you have enjoyed it as well. Thank you for visiting, Jeanie!

  3. Oh! Oh! Oh! I love Madame Bovary! I can't even tell you how many times I've read it, and now to know that there's a recent film? Wonderful, thanks for sharing. As always. xoxo

  4. M, I am really looking forward to your feedback on this version :)

  5. I can still remember reading this story when I was in college. It moved me to tears. How sad a life. What a waste.

    I definitely need to see the movie.

  6. A classic in so many ways - this boook has so many intriguing messages, I think I'd quite like to see what insights this new film has to offer. thanks for bringing it too our attention Ally.

  7. Tamara, thanks so much for hosting the challenge! As for the movie, it is definitely worth seeing :)
    Deb, thank you for visiting! I was quite impressed, moi aussi, by Emma's tragic story...
