Friday, February 6, 2015

Music and Social Change

Music has always been a means of expressing oneself and the injustice that occurred all around, but not many musicians dared to express their revolt and take a stand in this regard. I guess speaking up was only for the bravest of them, whether they were called John Lennon, Bono or Madonna.
John Lennon fought for the rights of the common people, while Bono militated for helping the poor African countries and Madonna was one of the first people from the music industry to speak about gay rights and fighting prejudice. With such models, I believe it is quite hard for others to follow in their footsteps ...


  1. You are so good about keeping current with music...I doubt I've listened to anything but classical since I graduated from college. But, I agree with you: the artist (musician, writer, painter) has a very powerful voice for change.

  2. Classical music has its powerful attractions, I can always listen to Madam Butterfly and get all emotional...
