Saturday, June 28, 2014

S is for ...

If you want to have fun, playing is inevitable :)
So here I am, playing together with Bellezza the game of "favorites". She gave me the letter "S" and I have to mention things I like starting with the given letter. Speaking/writing about what one likes should not be very difficult, so here it goes, without a deep, pensive mood about it... 

My favorite book ... definitely SPUTNIK SWEETHEART, probably my favorite Haruki Murakami one, which has still stayed with me three years after reading it.
My favorite author ... Salinger, no doubt about it. You never forget your first literary love :)
My favorite song ... this has to be a Madonna one and I'll choose "Sanctuary", from the album "Bedtime Stories", released in 1994. Although the song does not have an official video, this one is utterly beautiful. If you listen carefully, the first lines open with some poetry from Walt Whitman...
"Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice
Him or her I shall follow
As the water follows the moon, silently
Madonna-Sanctuary from themertulus on Vimeo.
My favorite object ... Snow, for its purity and also because playing in the snow is fun :)
Last, but not least, my favorite movie ... I had to go over my imdb account to recap some of the ones I love, since my first three favorites do not start with the letter "S", but I found it: it is called "Somewhere in Palilula" and it is probably one of the best Romanian movies of the last decade, so intriguing, creative and amusing, yet nostalgic about the past... Worth seeing!
Now, who else wants to play?


  1. Oh, you took the letter "S" and knocked it out of the park! Can you believe I've never read Sputnik Sweetheart, and this from a girl who loves Murakami as much as you do?, my favorite of his, so far, is Kafka on the Shore. There are only a few I haven't read, but yours is one of them.

    I love Salinger, too. The Catcher in the Rye has to be one of the best books I read in High School, and every time I reread it I'm impressed anew.

    I don't know films nearly as well as you. I'll check to see if I can rent the one you highlighted here.

    Thanks for playing, Ally, but also for highlighting some wonderful new things to me!!

  2. Thank you for being an inspiration and in the mood for playing with friends :)
    "Somewhere in Palilula" will give you quite a few ideas about Romanian life (in the past), but also some insight into Romanian humor and tragedy ...

  3. Let's play another round. Hit me with a letter, Ally. Hit me hard, I don't bruise easily :P

  4. You liar, you know you do :)) Here's letter M for you... let's see what you choose :)

  5. So, book, author, song, object and movie? Coming up in a few days. Will let you know when ;)

  6. With a bit of a delay, i published my list. :)

    It didn't take so much time to make the list, it took so long to have spare time and write it down.... and to remember the user / password of my blog bwuahahahaha :P

  7. Maybe this is the start of a new life for your blog :)
