Monday, July 8, 2013

Vanessa et Benjamin

The most beautiful song of Vanessa's album "Love Songs" is definitely this one, mainly because I also love Benjamin Biolay who produced the entire album and signed eight of its songs. Voici la version live "Le Rempart" and I also recommend "Les Roses Roses" :)

Moi j’ai peur du noir
J’ai peur de la nuit du hasard
J’ai peur ici de n’plus savoir
J’ai peur de me perdre, il est tard
Là sans lumière, j’ai quel espoir ?

If you like it and you want to listen to the whole private concert, then click here :) 


  1. Some touching lyrics. I need to explore French music more. I have a weekly French meme that runs every Monday throughout the year if you ever want to join in. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  2. Thank you for visiting, Paulita!i would love to take part in your meme, since I am such a huge fan of anything French :)
