Monday, May 20, 2013

5 Books That Changed My Life

Today, Paulo Coelho, one of my all time favorite writers, asked his readers to name the five books that changed their lives. So, how could I not have complied with his request? :)
Here are my FOUR books that really changed life as I see it, and it is only four because I always leave room for more surprising books that may come along...

Do you have any books that changed your life? :)


  1. I'd liked say Coehlo was one of them, u he isn't. When I want words of wisdom I turn to the Bible, so that's one book which changed my life. Also, Madeleine L'Engle's book The Love Letters changed my life after recuperating from my first lost love,

  2. I don't know about The Love Letters but I will check it out :)

  3. YEs, there are books that change the way we see the world (it is kinda too much to say they changed my life).

    Coehlo's Alchemist was the first book I read that I felt was different, as the focus was not on the boy's main goal but on all the actions, people he met, ideas and beliefs he had before reaching his goal. At the age I read it I found it to be a simple yet very motivational book.

  4. Well, they do change your life, you start buying more books written by those writers, you go to Istanbul to meet them, you dream about falling in love with their characters :)) but then, not everybody is "un pic luata" :))))
