Friday, April 26, 2013

The Non - Fiction Giveway Hop

Welcome to my first giveaway on the blog, kindly hosted by Rikki and which starts today, the 26th, ending on the 29th! 

I love reading non - fiction books so I am giving away one of the best books I read last year, "How to Be a Woman", by Caitlin Moran. It is a funny, yet sometimes serious book about the troubles and bliss of being a woman, among other things :)The book is in English and it will be shipped via The Book Depository if you live abroad, or via the Romanian post, if you live in my country.

What do you have to do to win it? Leave a comment with your name and e-mail and tell me why you would like to win this book. Also, you can mention one or two non - fiction books you enjoyed reading.The winner will be announced on the 1st of May.

Here are the other blogs taking part in the giveaway hop:
Rikki's Teleidoscope 

The Book Garden
Curiosity Killed the Bookworm


  1. Can never go wrong with a funny read!

    My non-fiction list is growing. I'm reading Tiger Babies Strike Back at the moment.

    readerrabbit22 at

  2. Madonna
    I think this would be an interesting book to read during my me time

  3. Thanks for participating - I hope I'm not the only one entering (kinda - chances are better to win)

    I like reading this type of book also sometimes. I usually will pick one on baseball (my favorite sport) or a craft book (usually counted cross-stitch or needlework)

  4. Hi,
    I just found your blog through the blog hop. Thanks for participating.

    I'd like to win the book because it sounds interesting and I could use some self-confidence.

    As I am from Austria and it is the book that hooked me on my favourite non-fiction topic (history), I'd like to recommend Brigitte Hamann's "The Reluctant Empress: A Biography of Empress Elisabeth of Austria", which, of course, I read in German :D

  5. I'd like to win this because I've heard many, many good things about it but, as of yet, have not the chance to read it myself.

  6. Sounds like a fun and informative book. I sort of know how to be a woman, but maybe I will learn something after all.

  7. Great choice! I already own a copy else I'd definitely enter. :D

  8. I need a funny book these day. I feel so let down sometimes. The diabetic diagnostic really pissed me off. *still in denial mode* Maybe the book can lift my mood.

    I dont have many nonfiction books but I love my Father's Art and Civilisation Encyclopedia. A lot!

  9. I haven't read it yet, but have heard positive things about it. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  10. This sounds like a great book for me - I am a 48 yo mom of two elementary school kids, a wife and a full-time employee. I can use all the insights I can get!

    Karen Arrowood

  11. As a 48 yo mother of 2 grade-schoolers, who also works full-time, I think this book would be very appropriate for me... I can use all the insights I can get!

    Karen Arrowood

  12. One of my favorite books is a book I read after my son(26 y.o.)passed away. I wasn't aware of the subject matter at the time, however, it was so appropriate. Pamela Brouillard
    wvpamb at gmail dot com
    aka Lily Anne

  13. rilekat at gmail dot com
    Kat Riley

    I just became unemployed and am looking at reinventing parts of my life, I think this book might give me some inspiration.
