Monday, April 8, 2013

The Non - Fiction Giveaway Blog Hop

(aka My First Giveaway on the Blog Ever :))
I do love reading non-fiction books and I was happy when Birgit started the non - fiction reading challenge, but when Rikki decided to host a giveaway hop on the subject, how could I have said no? :)
So, here I am, letting you know that you may join our giveaway until the 20th of April if you are a lover of non-fiction books... and please drop by to see what books we have in store for you.
To sign up for the giveaway please visit Rikki's blog


  1. Too many books on this blooooog! :))

  2. Have you noticed that only the finest bloggers are signing up for this giveaway hop? *wiggles eyebrows*
    It's great to have you on board, Ally!

  3. @Birgit: well, non-fiction is only for the best readers :)
    @Bianca: there is no such thing as too many books :))

  4. Oh, yeah, it is going to be a really elitist giveaway, lol. Great to have you on board, Ally.

  5. The cleverer, the better :)
