Sunday, August 5, 2012

It is so hard to caress...

It is so hard to caress an angel on his wings!
No matter how close, he keeps away from touch
For fear you could catch him,
He swirls, comes back, quietly flaps his wings,
It is the only sound he is capable of.
The angels, they do not know how to speak,
Words are incapable
Of expressing them,
Their deaf message is their presence.
The way they approach
To embrace you with their aura,
But quickly draw away,
Scared of intimacy,
Protectors, but not familiar,
Always leaving a distance through which
My words crawl to reach them,
Without knowing if
They are too weak to touch their hearing.
What a handicap of faith:
Not knowing if you are heard or if you hear
And out of all senses only the tactile dream remains
Of caressing, without scaring, an angel on his wings …

By Ana Blandiana

The original version is here. 

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