Friday, June 22, 2012

Word of the Day 6: BRIDGE

One of my favorite idioms in English is "burn your bridges", meaning to do something with the result that you will not be able to return to a previous situation again, even if you want to . Sometimes it is imperious to do it in order to let go of the past and move forward, less burdened and more confident.

Still, before thinking that everything is "water under the bridge" (what happened in the past should be forgotten), you should take all precautions in order to leave all worries behind while "crossing that bridge when you come to it", since you do not want to take bad memories with you on the other side...


  1. Well said, my dear! And as long as you don't burn that bridge while you're still on it ... just joking!

  2. I get inspired from time to time, Birgit! :))

  3. Nice post. We have a similar expression in German, we just don't burn them...

  4. in truth, it was written months ago and I decided to post it now since it felt like the right moment...
