Thursday, June 7, 2012


2012 is definitely the year of challenges ... reading challenges! I have decided to join EIGHT and now I am wondering whether I will be able to finish them. Five months have passed and here is a recap of what I have accomplished so far:

Orange January: 2 books: Rape (Oates) and Small Island (Levy)- completed;

Venice in February: 4 books: The Passion (Winterson), Vivaldi's Virgins (Quick), Invisible Cities (Calvino) and Crossing the Bridge of Sighs(Michael) - completed;

Murakami Challenge: I started 1Q84 (two more volumes to read and two other novels by him);

New Authors: I have read 23 new authors, my favorite ones being Pamuk and Foenkinos;

Orange in July: 1 book to be read (Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett );

Tea and Books: 1 book read (The Museum of Innocence) 1 to finish (1Q84);

European Reading Challenge: 8 books read, there might be more, but I am not sure;

Japanese Reading Challenge: 1 read, a lot more awaiting...

What are your reading challenges these days?


  1. Tell me about it! I failed at your Venice challenge, my TBR challenge is failing as well. But at least I am still in the run with Birgit's chunkster challenge. My own Narnia project? Oh, wll, after the first book which was not as great as I hoped, I have lost a bit interest in it myself. How bad is that?

  2. Now that I look back, having written this post a week ago, I am starting to think that I did pretty well, taking into consideration how busy I was and still am with school... Anyway, Rikki, there's more than half a year to catch up on anything you want, including The Museum of Innocence :))

  3. Just joined Tamara (Thyme for Tea) and Karen (Bookbath)'s Paris in July 2012 challlenge. I'm hoping to read Francois Sagan's Bonjour, Tristesse and perhaps more. It puts me in mind of our Venice in February Challenge which I want to co-host with you again this February. Realizing that's far down the road from now... ;)

  4. There's a Paris in July challenge? I will be in Paris in July, reading The Last Time I Saw Paris, how funny is that? :))
    You'd love Francoise Sagan! I also recommend her memoir :)

  5. That's a lot of challenges! Do you read anything outside that too? I started really well with my challenges at the beginning of the year but have moved on a bit ... to other challenges!

  6. I did managed to read outside these challenges, for example Barnes' "Nothing to be frightened of", which I loved :) Thanks for stopping by :)
