Friday, May 25, 2012

Ten People, Ten Colours... Ten Books

Juu-nin to-iro is a Japanese proverb meaning that everyone has their own tastes. For the next months, my tastes will coincide with Bellezza's and her Japanese Reading Challenge 6 which I have joined for the second year. I am so thrilled to be reading Japanese literature, mainly because it is so different from any other and I managed to gather ten books, mentioned in the collage below.
Five of them are written by Haruki Murakami, but I am not sure I will be reading all of them. My goal is to finish 1Q84 for Birgit's Tea and Books Challenge and two more, for the Murakami Challenge. I will also be reading Yamada's In Search of a Distant Voice since I loved Strangers... Any other book will add to the pleasure. So, will you be joining us? :)


  1. I loved Strangers, too, so I'm glad to know of this other novel by Yamada. I hope I can find it! Glad to be reading Japanese with you, Ally, just as we did for Venice! :)]

    p.s. I though 1Q84 a bit disappointing...we'll talk when you finish.

  2. The books you read always inspire me :)
    I have read half of the first volume and I really like it. I wish I had more time to read, but that won't happen until August I guess...
