Saturday, December 17, 2011

The European Reading Challenge

I could not have resisted this challenge, simply because the majority of writers I use to read are European, and there are so many books by them or taking place in Europe that I have planned on reading in 2012. Rose City Reader in hosting this challenge in its first year and I am sure it's not going to be the last :)
As you have figured out, the simple thing that you have to do is read books by European authors or books set in European countries. Easy? To make it challenging, each book must be by a different author and set in a different country. There are five levels of participation and I decided to go with Five Star (Deluxe Entourage), but I will most definitely read more than five, thus qualifying for the Jet Setter Grand Prize!

And since we are speaking of challenges, do not forget to join our own (mine and Bellezza's) VENICE IN FEBRUARY :)


  1. Great! Thanks for signing up! And good luck going for the Jet Setter Grand Prize! I look forward to seeing which books you pick.

    Rose City Reader

  2. I have already decided on three, since they work for the other challenges too :) I'm going with Small Island, Vivaldi's Virgins and The Museum of Innocence...

  3. Sounds like a fun challenge and probably not too hard either...

  4. @Rikki: it should be fun, I will let you know :)

  5. This sounds like a fun challenge! I'm over-challenged already but maybe next year. Hope you enjoy Small Island.

  6. I think it will be fun, it already challenges me to find authors from countries I previously had no intention of reading ;)

  7. I have just the website for you, Ally! I'm going to post about it next Wednesday in Beyond the Shelf, but I figured you might want to risk a look already:

  8. Birgit, what an incredible site you found for my challenge! Thank you for sharing! :)

  9. awesome challenge! I don't have the time for organizing like this, but for sure it's inspiring me to read more! lists always help! good luck, Ally! I'm sure you'll be one of the winners! :)

  10. Thank you for your support! :)

  11. Ally -- Sorry for confusion caused by my sign up post for this challenge, It really is only one book per country. My list includes doubles only because it is a list of my possible choices. I'll only pick one book from each country to actually read.

  12. Love love the photo in your header! Very dramatic :))
    And so Venexia.
    I joined the European Reading Challenge as well (and the Venice one!) and I'm browsing a little through the participant's list. I'm very interested to learn what everyone is reading for the challenge. So I will come back to learn more!
    Happy Reading!

  13. Love love the photo in your header! Very dramatic :))
    And so Venexia.
    I joined the European Reading Challenge as well (and the Venice one!) and I'm browsing a little through the participant's list. I'm very interested to learn what everyone is reading for the challenge. So I will come back to learn more!
    Happy Reading!

  14. @cessie: Thanks for passing by!
    I am planning to read three or four books for the Venice challenge and I am keeping my fingers crossed since it's going to be a busy month... What did you plan reading?
