Friday, December 9, 2011

The Bigger, the Better? We shall see!

I have decided to join one more challenge, the one hosted by Birgit from The Book Garden, since huge tomes seem to be a problem for me, always postponing them till next year, and next year... and next year. The books in question have to be of more than 700 pages (yup, that's seven hundred) and they should be read sometime next year, meaning 2012 :) There are several levels of the challenge that you can check here. . I decided on the first level, The Chamomile Lover, since it's always better to read more than you planned rather than read less, and the two chunksters are Pamuk's "The Museum of Innocence" and Murakami's "19Q4". So, are there any huge books haunting your shelves?


  1. Not really! I am not that much into chunksters, but I have read a couple this year. I certainly won't put any on my TBR list on purpose. I usually stumble upon them by accident and then am surprised about the number of pages, :).

  2. It's the same for me, Rikki! Big books rather scare me, but how could I have said no to buying Murakami's latest? :)

  3. I know how you feel about those fat tomes. It's always "next year" for me too, so this is the main reason I created the challenge :-) !
    BTW are you sure the first book has 700+ pages? I looked it up out of curiosity and *cough* well it seems to be around 550 pages, depending on the edition.

  4. @Birgit: I have the book here, and it's 728 pages (the story) plus a few pages of index of characters :)
    It's the edition I added a few months ago on my to be read list on goodreads :)

  5. I've gone the other way - aiming high so that I have a choice and less chance of making excuses. It's silly really, because I'd think nothing of reading three books of three hundred pages but think of a nine hundred page book as a massive undertaking.

    Good luck with yours!

  6. @FleurFisher: Thanks for stopping by. I guess big things scare us more :) I am the type of reader that sometimes starts more than two books, so starting a fat one is something really important, since I might spend a looooot of time perusing it :)

  7. Oh alright then, Ally ;-) !

    And it's true, we don't think much about reading several thinner volumes but a big book scares us. I know a lot of people will read several books at a time, so this might help to go through with it. me, on the other hand, I only read one book at a time, so ... this should be an interesting experience!!

    P.S.: Ally, I noticed your last comments on my blog always end up in my spam folder and I have no idea why!? I always move them back so they actually show up, but so far I haven't figured out why this even happens. So, in case you comment and wonder why nothing shows up, this must be some blogger related issue and I'll try to resolve it (hopefully soon).

  8. I have no idea why that happens; I've had a few problems with the internet connection these days, but i am not sure if that's the reason...

  9. I need to do this - sometimes I feel pressured to read more books. I have A Suitable Boy on the shelf, it needs to be read!

  10. @samstillreading: One more book to choose and you're in for the challenge :) Big books are always a challenge whether to be read or just to be finished :)
