Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Meme - What I Am Listening to (when I have the time) 2

I'm assuming this meme, started by Bellezza will happen every two weeks, simply because I don't seem to have enough time to listen to things/music worth mentioning every single week.(except Madonna, of course)
But today, probably for the 4th time, I am listening to Jeremy Irons' speech that happened on the 17th of October, during the World Food Day Ceremony in Rome, when he was nominated Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. More about his very important work to eradicate hunger here.

There is no excuse for us not to care!


  1. I love how you've added a speech, something other than music!! It's wonderful to hear of people's passion and concern for others. Thanks for playing along, Ally!

  2. p.s. There's no reason to post every week; only when the mood strikes you! XO

  3. I would the free time would strike me more often :)
    I discovered the speech thanks to Jeremy Irons' site, and I am glad I did!
