Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Call me Z"

"I thought you are my Jesus"

"A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers" is a beautiful book. So beautiful that it becomes difficult to express it into words. It is the story of a simple girl from China who is sent to London by her parents to study English so that she could easily establish connections and develop their business. Nothing out of this world so far, except that she narrates her story/love affair with an older Englishman in a rather incorrect English, and this is what made it unique for me. Besides the sad love story. Not only is she struggling with tenses and plurals, but she also has difficulty in understanding the Western way of living and loving.

The honest way in which she compares attitudes and cultures is so touching. Her naivete and search for love and truth are endearing. We do smile when she pays a visit to a sex shop or when she states how irrelevant it must be to talk about the weather all the time. Still, there is sadness in her lines when she talks about being loved and needed.

"I hate myself being so needy. The way I want of love, is like a hard toothbrush try to brush bad teeth, then it ends up bleeding. The harder I try, more blood comes out.But I believe love can cure everything, and eventually the teeth will not bleeding anymore. I still think love is the hope, of everything."
Is it, indeed? There are many dreams in a long night...

To read the entire novel, click here.


  1. Ce chef nebun am sa citesc aceasta carte dupa descrierea ta (: Mi-e doar sa nu cumva sa ma obisnuiesc cu engleza ei stricata si sa ma auda cineva in cateva zile spunand cum I like an flower (((: Mintea umana prinde repede tiparele pe care i le oferim q:

  2. O sa-ti placa, sunt sigura :) Daca ai timp si dispozitie pt. asa ceva, poti sa-l citesti online...
