Saturday, February 7, 2009


I watched this movie not because it was nominated for the Oscar in 5 categories, including Best Motion Picture of the Year, hoping it will win at least one or two, but because one of my favorite actors, Ralph Fiennes, stars in it, and I was blown away by the whole movie. Ralph Fiennes is as mesmerizing as before, even if older, but definitely not less adorable. Kate Winslet, whom I also liked in Revolutionary Road, is, with this role, one step further in becoming one of Hollywood's finest actresses.

The story, based on the 1995 novel written by Bernhard Schlink, is about a summer love never forgotten and about a secret greater than life itself. What this secret might be? Watch the movie and you will not only discover it, but also most probably never forget its story and actors.

PS. Kate won an Oscar for her part in the movie. I told you it was worth seeing!

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